Welcome to the World

Register business

Are you an explorer? Create a traveller account instead.

Account details

Provide the account details associated with your business. You will use these to login to your account.

The email address which will be used for logging in to your account


Public username which will be used for your profile URL

Please make sure you use a strong password for your own account security.

Repeat password from previous field

Contact details

Provide us with your contact details, we need these so that we can keep in touch!

Your first name

Your last name

Your position inside your company/business

Contact information to be displayed on the platform (public).

This is only used for communication with us.

Business details

Provide us some details in regards to your business and location.

Business name as shown on your trade license.

Public name you are using.

Your business address where travellers should go.

Select the category where your business fits in


You successfuly registered your business. Please check your email address to confirm and complete the registration.

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